Navigate to the Mouse & touchpad section of the left pane. So each page I click on will load the first 500px and than scroll me to the content beneath it. Sweet! My only concern is that you still see the animation of the scroll. Note: Does not work in Google related websites. A single click will stop the auto-scrolling. Features This extension allows you to easily change the auto-scroll speed and save it in three different modes slow, medium and fast. If the touchpad your laptop has is of a different make, fear not - all. Check the checkbox next to the Use Vertical Scroll Function and Use Horizontal Scroll Functions options or the Use Scrolling option or whatever applies. With the Control Panel in Large icons view, click on Mouse. When I was using Internet Explorer, I could scroll up and down, but not by clicking on the scroll button. If I opened a folder, quite often the problem would go away. I tried scrolling down in windows explorer, and sometimes, before getting to the bottom, I find I'm back to the top. Enfermo de amor capitulo 41 gratis I have been experiencing the same problem as djc45 on my laptop.